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Курс 1561E: Designing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Directory Services Infrastructure

Цена для физических лиц, р.: 4000
Цена для юридических лиц, р.: 4000

Продолжительность курса (дней): 12

Курс готовит к тестам: 70-219


Необходимая подготовка:

Знания и навыки в следующих областях:

Course 1560, Updating Support Skills from Microsoft Windows NT® 4.0 to Microsoft Windows 2000, or equivalent knowledge and skills.
Course 2154, Implementing and Administering Microsoft Windows 2000 Directory Services, or equivalent knowledge and skills.

Методическое пособие к курсу - на английском языке, поэтому для успешного понимания необходимо знание технического письменного английского (на уровне чтения help'ов).

Результат обучения:

Получение следующих знаний и навыков:

  • Describe guidelines for gathering business and administrative information from an organization, and explain how an architect uses that information to design an Active Directory structure for an enterprise.
  • Design an Active Directory naming strategy that accommodates the organizational structure of a business.
  • Develop a plan to secure and delegate administrative authority over Active Directory objects based on the administrative model of an organization.
  • Identify business needs and scenarios that may require modification of the Active Directory schema, and plan a policy to govern schema modification.
  • Create an Active Directory design based on administrative Group Policy requirements defined by business needs.
  • Design an Active Directory domain and the organizational unit hierarchy within the domain.
  • Identify situations where a multiple-domain Active Directory structure may be necessary to meet the administrative and security needs of an organization, and then design a structure that meets those needs.
  • Design a site topology for managing Active Directory replication that fulfills the administrative needs of an organization, and that optimizes the available bandwidth of the physical network.
  • Plan for the design of an Active Directory structure that combines administrative, replication, and naming requirements of an organization.

Содержание курса:

Модуль 1. Introduction to Designing a Directory Services Infrastructure

Role of Active Directory in an Enterprise Network
Conducting an Organizational Analysis
Architectural Elements of Active Directory

Модуль 2. Designing an Active Directory Naming Strategy

Identifying Business Needs
DNS and Active Directory
Planning Active Directory Domain Names
Designing a DNS Naming Strategy for Active Directory

Модуль 3. Designing Active Directory to Delegate Administrative Authority

Identifying Business Needs
Characterizing the IT Organization
Developing a Strategy for Administrative Design
Developing a Strategy for Delegation

Модуль 4. Designing a Schema Policy

Identifying Business Needs
Schema Fundamentals
Implications of Modifying the Schema
Planning for Schema Modification

Модуль 5. Designing Active Directory to Support Group Policy

Identifying Business Needs
Applying Group Policy in Active Directory
Planning for Group Policy

Модуль 6. Designing an Active Directory Domain

Identifying Business Needs
Designing the Initial Active Directory Domain
Planning for Security Groups
Planning for OUs

Модуль 7. Designing a Multiple Domain Structure

Identifying Business Needs
Accessing Resources Between Domains
Planning for Multiple-Domain Trees
Planning for Multiple-Tree Forests
Planning for Multiple Forests,

Модуль 8. Designing an Active Directory Site Topology

Using Sites in Active Directory
Assessing the Need for Active Directory Sites
Using Site Links in a Network
Planning the Inter-Site Replication Topology
Planning for Server Placement in Sites

Модуль 9. Designing an Active Directory Infrastructure

Conducting an Organizational Analysis
Designing an Active Directory Structure
Creating a Functional Specification


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