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Системные инженеры и администраторы
Microsoft Windows Server 2012
Демонстрационные курсы
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Microsoft Windows Server 2008
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Решения Microsoft по виртуализации серверов и рабочих станций
Microsoft System Center
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 / 2008
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Microsoft SharePoint 2010
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Microsoft - Разработчики MCITP, MCPD, MCSD, MCAD
Обучение пользователей

Курс 2159E: Deploying and Managing Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000

Цена для физических лиц, р.: 4000
Цена для юридических лиц, р.: 4000

Продолжительность курса (дней): 12

Курс готовит к тестам: 70-227

Цель: The goal of this course is to provide Information Technology (IT) professionals with the knowledge and skills to deploy and manage ISA Server 2000 as a firewall and as a caching server.

Необходимая подготовка:

Знания и навыки в следующих областях:

  • 2152, Implementing Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional and Server, or equivalent knowledge of Windows 2000 Professional and Server.
  • Course 2153, Implementing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure, or equivalent knowledge of Windows 2000 networking.

Необходимо знание английского языка в пределах чтения компьютерно-ориентированного материала.

Результат обучения:

Получение следующих знаний и навыков:

  • Explain the role of ISA Server in an enterprise network.
  • Install ISA Server and configure client computers.
  • Maintain an ISA Server array.
  • Configure access policies to enable secure Internet access for client computers.
  • Configure ISA Server as a Web cache server.
  • Configure access to internal Web and application servers.
  • Configure VPN access to an organization's network.
  • Configure ISA Server as a firewall.
  • Configure packet filters for controlling network traffic.
  • Monitor ISA Server activities by using alerts, logging, reporting, and real-time monitoring.
  • Install and configure ISA Server in an enterprise environment.

Содержание курса:

Модуль 1. Overview of Microsoft ISA Server

Introducing ISA Server
Using the Cache Service
Using the Firewall Service
Deployment Scenarios for ISA Server
ISA Server Configurations

Модуль 2. Installing and Maintaining ISA Server

Installing ISA Server
Installing and Configuring ISA Server Clients
Maintaining an ISA Server Array

Модуль 3. Enabling Secure Internet Access

Policies and Rules Overview
Creating Policy Elements
Configuring Access Policies and Rules
Using ISA Server Authentication

Модуль 4. Configuring Caching

How Caching Works
Configuring Caching
Configuring Caching for Specific Sites

Модуль 5. Configuring Access for Remote Clirnts and Networks

VPN Overview
Configuring VPNs

Модуль 6. Configuring the Firewall

Securing the Server
Configuring IP Packet Filters
Configuring Firewall Filters

Модуль 7. Configuring Access to Internal Resources

Publishing Concepts
Configuring Server Publishing
Adding as H.323 Gatekeeper to ISA Server
Configuring VPN Access

Модуль 8. Monitoring and Reporting

Planning a Monitoring and Reporting Strategy
Monitoring Intrusion Detection by Configuring Alerts
Monitoring Internet Access Requests by Configuring Logging
Analyzing ISA Server Activity by Creating Reports
Monitoring Real-Time Activity
Testing the ISA Configuration

Модуль 9. Configuring ISA Server for the Enterprise

Installing ISA Server in the Enterprise Using Enterprise Policies
Managing Network Connections
Optimizing Cache Performance
Enhancing ISA Server Functions with Add-on Services


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