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Курс 2153E: Implementing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure

Цена для физических лиц, р.: 4500
Цена для юридических лиц, р.: 4500

Продолжительность курса (дней): 20

Курс готовит к тестам: 70-216, 70-218


Необходимая подготовка:

Содержание курса:

Модуль 1. Introduction to the Microsoft Windows 2000 Networking Infrastructure

Overview of the Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure.
Introduction to Intranets.
Identifying Remote Access Methods.
Communicating with Remote Offices.
Providing Internet Access.
Introduction to Extranets.

Модуль 2. Automating IP Address Assignment

Overview of DHCP.
Installing the DHCP Service.
Authorizing the DHCP Service.
Creating and Configuring a Scope.
Customizing DHCP Functionality.
Configuring DHCP in a Routed Network.
Supporting DHCP.

Модуль 3. Implementing Name Resolution By Using DNS

Overview of the DNS Query Process.
Installing the DNS Server Service.
Configuring Name Resolution for Client Computers.
Creating Zones.
Configuring Zones.
Configuring DNS for Internal Use.
Integrating DNS and DHCP.
Maintaining and Troubleshooting DNS Servers.

Модуль 4. Implementing Name Resolution by Using WINS

Connecting to NetBIOS-Based Networks.
WINS Overview.
Configuring WINS Servers and Clients.
Configuring Support for Non-WINS Clients.
Enabling WINS Database Replication.
Maintaining the WINS Server Database.

Модуль 5. Configuring Network Security by Using Public Key Infrastructure

Introduction to Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).
Deploying Certificate Services.
Using Certificates.
Managing Certificates.
Configuring Active Directory for Certificates.
Troubleshooting Certificate Services.

Модуль 6. Configuring Network Security by Using IPSec

Introduction to IPSec.
Implementing IPSec.
Configuring TCP/IP for Server Security.
Troubleshooting Network Protocol Security.

Модуль 7. Configuring Remote Access

Examining Remote Access in Windows 2000.
Configuring Inbound Connections.
Configuring Outbound Connections.
Configuring Multilink Connections.
Configuring Authentication Protocols.
Configuring Encryption Protocols.
Configuring Routing and Remote Access for DHCP Integration.

Модуль 8. Supporting Remote Access to a Network

Examining Remote Access Policies.
Examining Remote Access Policy Evaluation.
Creating a Remote Access Policy.
Troubleshooting Remote Access.

Модуль 9. Extending Remote Access Capabilities Using IAS

Introduction to IAS.
Installing and Configuring IAS.

Модуль 10. Configuring a Windows 2000–Based Server As a Router

Overview of Routers and Routing Tables.
Configuring Network Connections.
Enabling Routing by Using Routing and Remote Access.
Configuring Static Routes.
Configuring a Routing Interface.
Implementing Demand-Dial Routing.
Configuring the Routing Information Protocol.

Модуль 11. Configuring Internet Access for a Network

Options for Connecting a Network to the Internet.
Configuring Internet Access by Using a Router.
Configuring Internet Access by Using NAT.

Модуль 12. Configuring a Web Server

Overview of Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS).
Preparing for an IIS Installation.
Installing IIS.
Configuring a Web Site.
Administering IIS.
Troubleshooting IIS.

Модуль 13. Deploying Windows 2000 Professional by Using Remote Installation Services

RIS Overview.
Installing and Configuring RIS.
Configuring Remote Installation Options.
Deploying Images by Using RIS.
Creating an RIPrep Image.
Comparing CD-Based Images and RIPrep ImagesIdentifying.
Solutions to RIS Problems.

Модуль 14. Managing a Windows 2000 Network

Windows 2000 Administrative Strategies.
Performing Administrative Tasks Remotely by Using Terminal Services.
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Operation.
Implementing the Windows 2000 SNMP Serviceю.

Модуль 15. Troubleshooting Windows 2000 Network Services

Troubleshooting Network Problems.
Identifying the Symptoms and Causes of Network Problems.
Resolving TCP/IP Problems.
Resolving Name Resolution Problems.
Troubleshooting Network Services.
Monitoring the Network.

Модуль 16. Configuring Network Connectivity Between Operating Systems

Configuring Access to NetWare Resources.
Providing Macintosh Users Access to Windows 2000 Resources.
Connecting to Systems Network Architecture (SNA) Hosts by Using Host Integration Server 2000.
Connecting to UNIX Resources.


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