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Microsoft Windows Server 2012
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Курс 2008E: Designing a Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Organization

Цена для физических лиц, р.: 4000
Цена для юридических лиц, р.: 4000

Продолжительность курса (дней): 12

Курс готовит к тестам: 70-285


Необходимая подготовка:

  • Три или более лет работы с сетевыми и почтовыми системами, включая годичный опыт разработки почтовой инфраструктуры.
  • Окончание курса 2400, Implementing and Managing Microsoft Exchange Server 2003, или эквивалентные знания.
  • Окончание курса 2011, Troubleshooting Microsoft Exchange Server 2003, или эквивалентные знания.
  • Окончание курса 2282, Designing a Microsoft Windows Server™ 2003 Active Directory and Network Infrastructure, или эквивалентные знания.
  • Результат обучения:

  • Analyze Active Directory® and design an administrative plan.
  • Design a routing topology and server roles and placement.
  • Design public folders and client connectivity.
  • Design an Exchange Server 2003 security strategy.
  • Design for high availability and reliability.
  • Design inter-organizational connectivity.
  • Design an Exchange 5.5 to Exchange Server 2003 deployment strategy.
  • Содержание курса:

    Модуль 1. Module 1: Analyze Active Directory and Design an Administrative Plan

  • This module explains how to analyze the existing Active Directory infrastructure to ensure optimal performance for Exchange users. It also explains how to create a well-designed administrative plan and group strategy, which will enable the student to effectively plan and manage resources, allocate administrative responsibilities, and provide secure access.




    • Analyzing the Existing Network Structure
    • Practice: Analyzing Existing Domains
    • Designing an Active Directory Group Strategy
    • Practice: Determining Administrative Boundaries
    • Designing an Administrative Plan
    • Practice: Determining Administrative Roles


    After completing this module, students will be able to:

    • Analyze the existing network structure.
    • Design an Active Directory group strategy.
    • Design an administrative plan.
  • Модуль 2. Module 2: Design a Routing Topology and Server Roles and Placement

  • This module provides the knowledge and skills needed to design an effective routing topology. This process includes determining how many routing groups are needed, where to locate each group, how messages will flow through the various groups, and how to connect them to one another. In addition, the roles that Exchange servers can hold in an Exchange organization and the placement of servers are examined.




    • Planning Routing Group Boundaries
    • Practice: Determining Routing Group Boundaries
    • Planning Connectors Between Routing Groups
    • Practice: Planning Connectors and Cost
    • Determining Server Requirements


    After completing this module, students will be able to:

    • Plan routing group boundaries.
    • Plan connectors between routing groups.
    • Determine server requirements.
  • Модуль 3. Module 3: Design a Public Folder and Client Connectivity Strategy

  • This module explains how to design a public folder strategy that includes placement and replication of public folders. In addition, it also discusses the hardware requirements needed to effectively configure a public folder server.




    • Analyzing Business Requirements for Public Folders
    • Analyzing Logistical Requirements for Public Folders
    • Analyzing Administrative and Permission Requirements for Public Folders
    • Analyzing Hardware Requirements for Public Folders
    • Practice: Designing a Public Folder Replication Strategy


    After completing this module, students will be able to:

    • Analyze business requirements for public folders.
    • Analyze logistical requirements for public folders.
    • Analyze administrative and permission requirements for public folders.
    • Analyze hardware requirements for public folders.
  • Модуль 4. Module 4: Design an Exchange Server 2003 Security Strategy

  • This module explains how to identify security risks and design a security strategy that protects from both internal and external attacks. In addition, the requirements for an encryption strategy and rights management are discussed.




    • Designing Exchange Server 2003 Perimeter Security
    • Designing Exchange Server 2003 Intranet Security
    • Practice: Planning Exchange Server 2003 Intranet Security
    • Designing an Encryption Strategy
    • Practice: Designing an Encryption Strategy
    • Protecting Intellectual Property with Information Rights Management


    After completing this module, students will be able to:

    • Design Exchange Server 2003 perimeter security.
    • Design Exchange Server 2003 intranet security.
    • Design an encryption strategy.
    • Protect intellectual property with information rights management.
  • Модуль 5. Module 5: Design for High Availability and Reliability

  • This module explains how to design a highly available and reliable messaging system, including front-end and back-end servers, reliable Domain Name System (DNS) infrastructure, storage technologies, and clustering.




    • Designing for System-Wide Reliability
    • Designing for Active Directory and DNS Availability
    • Designing Front-End Server Availability
    • Designing Back-End Server and Data Availability
    • Designing Exchange Server Data Storage Solutions


    After completing this module, students will be able to:

    • Design for System-Wide Reliability.
    • Design for Active Directory and DNS Availability.
    • Design Front-End Server Availability.
    • Design Back-End Server and Data Availability.
    • Design Exchange Server Data Storage Solutions.
  • Модуль 6. Module 6: Design Inter-organizational Connectivity

  • This module explains how to design a global directory system by propagating users, contacts, and groups from one forest GAL as contacts into the GAL of the other forest so Exchange Server users in one forest can search for employees from another forest in their local GAL which is stored in their forest's Active Directory.




    • Identifying Requirements for Inter-organizational Connectivity
    • Planning for Inter-organizational E-Mail Connectivity
    • Planning for Inter-organizational Global Address List (GAL) Synchronization
    • Practice: Planning GAL Synchronization
    • Planning an Inter-organizational Public Folder Strategy


    After completing this module, students will be able to:

    • Identify Requirements for Inter-organizational Connectivity.
    • Plan for Inter-organizational E-Mail Connectivity.
    • Plan for Inter-organizational Global Address List (GAL) Synchronization.
    • Plan an Inter-organizational Public Folder Strategy.
  • Модуль 7. Module 7: Design an Exchange Server 5.5 to Exchange Server 2003 Deployment Strategy

  • This module explains how to design an upgrade or migration strategy that minimizes costs and downtime, and ensures that the upgrade or migration is performed in an efficient manner.




    • Planning a Directory Upgrade Strategy
    • Planning a Connector Upgrade Strategy
    • Planning a Mailbox and Public Folder Migration Strategy
    • Planning to Switch from a Mixed Mode to Native Mode Organization


    After completing this module, students will be able to:

    • Plan a Directory Upgrade Strategy.
    • Plan a Connector Upgrade Strategy.
    • Plan a Mailbox and Public Folder Migration Strategy.
    • Switch from a Mixed Mode to Native Mode Organization.


       Тел: +74953633686 email: info@stars-s.ru

       125040, Москва, Ленинградский проспект, д. 5, стр. 2, под. 5, офис "Звезды и С"

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