Тест №70-459: Transition Your MCITP: Database Administrator 2008 or MCITP: Database Developer 2008 to MCSE: Data Platform
Продолжительность: Языки теста: English Online тест: Кол-во вопросов: Мин.проходной балл:
Skills Being MeasuredThis
exam measures your ability to accomplish the technical tasks listed
below.The percentages
indicate the relative weight of each major topic area on the exam.The
higher the percentage, the more questions you are likely to see on that
content area on the exam.
The information after “This objective
may include but is not limited to” is intended to further define or
scope the objective by describing the types of skills and topics that
may be tested for the objective. However, it is not an exhaustive list
of skills and topics that could be included on the exam for a given
skill area. You may be tested on other skills and topics related to the
objective that are not explicitly listed here.
Implement Database Objects
Create and alter
This objective
may include but is not limited to: develop an optimal
strategy for using temporary objects (table variables and
temporary tables); manage a table without using triggers;
data version control and management; create tables without
using the built-in tools; understand the difference between
@Table and #table
Design, implement,
and troubleshoot security.
This objective
may include but is not limited to: grant, deny, revoke;
connection issues; execute as; certificates; loginless user;
database roles and permissions; contained users; change
permission chains
Create and modify
constraints (complex statements).
This objective
may include but is not limited to: create constraints on
tables; define constraints; performance implications
Implement Programming Objects
Design and
implement stored procedures.
This objective
may include but is not limited to: create stored procedures
and other programmatic objects; techniques for developing
stored procedures; different types of stored procedure
results; create stored procedures for data access layer;
analyze and rewrite procedures and processes; program stored
procedures with T-SQL and CLR#; use table-valued parameters;
Design T-SQL
table-valued and scalar functions.
This objective
may include but is not limited to: ensure code
non-regression by keeping consistent signature for
procedure, views, and function (interfaces); turn scripts
that use cursors and loops into a SET-based operation
Create and alter
This objective
may include but is not limited to: set up and configure
partitioned tables and partitioned views; design for using
views and stored procedures, and remove the direct usage of
Design Database Objects
Design tables.
This objective
may include but is not limited to: data design patterns;
develop normalized and de-normalized SQL tables; understand
the difference between physical tables, temp tables, temp
table variables, and common table expressions; design
transactions; design views; understand advantages and
disadvantages of using a GUID as a clustered index;
understand performance implications of # vs. @ temp tables
and how to decide which to use, when, and why; use of
set-based vs. row-based logic; encryption (other than TDE);
table partitioning; filestream and filetable
Create and alter
This objective
may include but is not limited to: create indexes and data
structures; create filtered indexes; create an indexing
strategy; design and optimize indexes; design indexes and
statistics; assess which indexes on a table are likely to be
used given different search arguments (SARG); column store
indexes; semantic indexes
Design data
This objective
may include but is not limited to: design table data
integrity policy (checks, private key/foreign key,
uniqueness, XML schema); select a primary key; data usage
Optimize and Troubleshoot Queries
Optimize and tune
This objective
may include but is not limited to: tune a badly performing
query; identify long running queries; review and optimize
code; analyze execution plans to optimize queries; tune
queries using execution plans and database tuning advisor
(DTA); design advanced queries using pivots and utilizing
common table expressions (CTE), design the database layout
and optimize queries (for speed and/or data size);
understand different data types; basic knowledge of query
hints; tune query workloads; demonstrate use of recursive
CTE; full text search; control execution plans
Troubleshoot and
resolve performance problems.
This objective
may include but is not limited to: interpret performance
monitor data; impact of recovery modal on database size, and
recovery; how to clean up if .MDF and .LDF files get to
large; identify and fix transactional replication problems;
detect and resolve server hung failure; identify and
troubleshoot data access problems
Collect performance
and system information.
This objective
may include but is not limited to: use Data Management Views
to determine performance issues; from system metadata;
gather trace information by using the SQL Server Profiler;
develop monitoring strategy for production database; run a
profiler trace and analyze the results; use profiler to
troubleshoot applications; collect output from the Database
Engine Tuning Advisor; extended events
Design Database Structure
Design for business
This objective
may include but is not limited to: business to data
translations; identify which SQL Server components to use to
support business requirements; design a normalization area;
de-normalize by using SQL Server features (such as
materialization via indexed views)
Design physical
database and object placement.
This objective
may include but is not limited to: filestream and filetable;
logical vs. physical design; file groups
Design SQL Server
This objective
may include but is not limited to: create a specification
for hardware for new instances; design an instance; design
SQL to use only certain CPUs (including affinity masks);
design clustered instances including Microsoft Distributed
Transaction Control (MSDTC); memory allocation
Design Databases and Database Objects
Design a database
This objective
may include but is not limited to: design a logical schema;
design a normalized database; design data access and data
layer architecture; understand the relational model; design
a normalized data model; design a database schema; create
and maintain a schema upgrade and downgrade script that
include the most optimal schema deployment and data
migration; Entity-Attribute-Value (EAV) modeling,
generalization/specialization, star-schema; optimize the
design for normalization to the right level for the
application; design security architecture; understand impact
Design tables.
This objective
may include but is not limited to: data design patterns;
develop normalized and de-normalized SQL tables; understand
the difference between physical tables, temp tables, temp
table variables, and common table expressions; design
transactions; design views; understand the performance
implications of # vs. @ temp tables and how to decide which
to use, when, and why; use of set-based rather than
row-based logic; filestream and filetable; semantic engine;
sequences; row/page compression; data type selection
Design T-SQL stored
This objective
may include but is not limited to: write a stored procedure
to meet a given set of requirements; design using views and
stored procedures to remove the direct usage of tables
Design Database Security
Design an
application strategy to support security.
This objective
may include but is not limited to: design security;
implement schemas and schema security; design maintenance,
including SQL logins vs. integrated authentication,
permissions, and mirroring issues; use appropriate
mechanisms to enforce security roles and signed stored
procedures; encryption; contained logins
instance-level security configurations.
This objective
may include but is not limited to: implement separation of
duties using different login roles; design and implement a
data safety strategy that meets the requirements of the
installation; choose authentication type, logon triggers,
and regulatory requirements; transparent data encryption;
DDL triggers
Design a Troubleshooting and Optimization Solution
Troubleshoot and
resolve concurrency issues.
This objective
may include but is not limited to: examine deadlocking
issues using the SQL server logs; design the reporting
database infrastructure; monitor issues via DMV; diagnose
blocking, live locking, and deadlocking; diagnose waits;
performance detection with built-in DMVs; know how
concurrency affects performance
Design a monitoring
solution at the instance level.
This objective
may include but is not limited to: design auditing
strategies including XE, Profiler, Perfmon, and DMV usage;
set up file and table growth monitoring; collect performance
indicators and counters; content management systems;